rutgers university-camden at camden county college DAY 1. BE A RUTGERS FROM STUDENT rutgers university-camden at camden county college WITH US, FOR LESS. EARN YOUR RUTGERS BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Rutgers at Camden County College

The Premier Partnership is a seamless and cost-effective pathway for Camden County College students to transfer and earn their bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University in Camden or Rutgers at Camden County College in Blackwood within two years. Students participating in the Premier Partnership can take advantage of financial incentives and campus resources at both institutions.

Unbeatable Access & Benefits


Available Majors

the number 40 and a stack of books icon

Over 40 Available Majors

the number 6

Majors Completable Entirely on the Blackwood Campus with Guaranteed Scholarships
(highlighted in ​red​)

Accounting (BS)
Africana Studies (BA)
Art: Electronic or Studio (BA)
Art History (BA)
Biology (BA or BS)
Business Administration (BA)
Chemistry (BA or BS)
Childhood Studies (BA)
Computational and Integrative Biology (BS)
Computer Science (BA or BS)
Criminal Justice (BA)
Digital Studies (BA)
Economics (BA)

English (BA)
Finance (BS)
French (BA)
Gender Studies (BA)
General Science (BA)
German (BA)
Health Sciences (BA)
History (BA)
Liberal Studies (BA)
Management (BS)
Marketing (BS)
Mathematics (BA or BS)
Music (BA)
Nursing (BS)**

Nursing (RN-BSN)***
Philosophy (BA)
Physics (BA or BS)
Political Science (BA)
Psychology (BA)
Religion (BA)
Social Work (BA)
Sociology (BA)
Spanish (BA)
Student-proposed (BA or BS)
Theatre Arts (BA)
Urban Studies (BA)
Women’s and Gender Studies (BA)

*Students are guaranteed not to pay more than the CCC tuition for their 3rd year (for full-time students) or for their first 30 Rutgers credits (for part-time students). Eligible participants receive a grant to reduce the charges to match CCC tuition after Rutgers tuition is billed, financial aid is applied, and their balance is reviewed.

**The traditional prelicensure BSN program is not part of the CCC-Rutgers Premier Partnership.

***This program is for NUR.AS students only.

Get Started

Becoming a Rutgers at Camden County College student has never been easier. Identify the type of student that best describes you and follow the steps to get started.

Future CCC Student

Current CCC student interested in the Premier Partnership

CCC student with or preparing to graduate with an Associate’s Degree

  • Step 1 – Apply to Rutgers-Camden as a transfer student and indicate interest in the Premier Partnership


Frequently Asked Questions


Road to Success/Garden State Guarantee

students on the blackwood campus

In addition to scholarships available for the 3rd and 4th years of the program, New Jersey families can dramatically reduce their college costs by up to 100 percent at Rutgers University–Camden. This innovative program is one of the first of its kind among New Jersey’s public four-year colleges and universities and can help you greatly reduce or completely avoid student loan debt.

Learn More


We are here to help

For assistance with applying to Rutgers-Camden & Rutgers at Camden County College, please contact:

Donna M. Spagna, M.A.
Admissions Officer | CCC/RU-C Premier Partnership Officer
Rutgers University–Camden at Camden County College
Taft 317 | 856-227-7200 x4537

Office Hours

Office Hours at CCC in Blackwood (Taft 317)
Mondays: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (drop-in hours)

Tuesdays: 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (by appointment)*
*will accommodate drop-ins if there is availability

Camden City Office Hours (CTC 201 – Room 205E)
1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month – 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Virtual Office Hours/Appointments available:
Thursday and Friday

For assistance with the Rutgers degree completion programs at the Blackwood campus, please contact:

Yolanda Cosby, MBA
Manager of Academic Programs Rutgers University Division of Continuing Studies | (856) 225-2695
Camden County College, Blackwood Campus, CIM 301